Welcome on web page of dentist practice of Ingolf Beierlein in Schwarzenberg/Erzgebirge

We would like to invite you to use our service in very modern and service oriented dentistry. 

Our practice offer complex care for you and all your family including small children and seniors. 

Our focus is not only on reparation and recovery of unhealthy teeth using of latest dental technologies (Dental Vulmenthomography, Computerized stomatology, Implantology, prosthesis of all the types), but primarily on preventive care or treatment using of concentrated preventive case / Prophylaxis. 

Special care about your teeth must be done professionally and work needs to be provided as well by professional staff.  

Well experienced, educated team of specialists, who work based on high standards and are continuously trained, is available for you in our practice. 

Our concept is strongly focused on long term support leading to success – you will see!

Your dental and oral health is part of your global health and we are in this area your partner and your coach. 

Functional aspects and phenomenal aesthetic works hand in hand. 

Values like seriousness, honesty and reliability are our key elements in our daily work as well as friendly approach with understanding of needs of our patients.  

Please have a look on success stories of our practice and our team on following web pages. 

We are looking forward to welcome you as our patient in our practice. 


Your Dipl.-Stom. Ingolf Beierlein and his team

©2024 - Zahnarztpraxis Beierlein